This is a mini-guide on how to create a VM and install Parrot OS on it. 

I personally use VirtualBox from time to time, as I do prefer to have my physical machines, but I do have already VirtualBox installed. So in order to proceed with this little guide, if you do not have Oracle VirtualBox , you should proceed downloading this from the official website

After installing the VirtualBox, we need also the Operation System. Therefore we need to go to the Parrot OS website , where you will see several different versions. I do personally recommend the Security Edition MATE Desktop as it is lightweight.

At this point we proceed with the creation of the VM selecting “New” in VirtualBox and then clicking on “Expert Mode” as you can see in the below screenshot:

During the creation of the Virtual Machine, you will need to fill up this information. The only point that I will recommend to consider carefully is the RAM, I indicated 2048 MB of RAM because I plan to run different services. But if you will use the minimum functionalities and you are running low on resources, because maybe you run multiple VM’s or your pc is not that powerful, you can also leave the minimum selected amount of ram that is 1024 MB RAM. 

Then from the storage side, I would select as indicated below: 

Now we need to attach the .iso file to the new VM, to do so select “Settings”. 

Then we go to Storage, Empty and we click on the disk icon as shown in the screenshot below: 

“Choose/Create Virtual Optical Disc File”

From now on, we will proceed with the installation of Parrot OS on your new VM. To do so, start your VM.

IMPORTANT: During the installation, on the creation of the user do not leave the password field blank, as you are going to need it to have root access level. 

After installing restart the VM as suggested and you should have something like this: 

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